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Friday, May 22, 2009

How to fit writing into your work schedule

Although many of us have the passion to write, not all of us have the time to actually write because we work full time jobs. So how do we find the time to do what we love when we have to work to pay the bills?

You do not have to give up writing to work and you do not have to stop working to write. You learn to manage your time. If you work a regualur 8-5, Monday-Friday, I'm sure your time is tight. In order to write and do it well, something is going to be neglected. But there are ways to fit it into your busy schedule.

First, as I've said in previous articles, always carry a notebook with you. It's easier for us ladies because we can easily buy a small notebook to fit in our purses. Guys, you can also buy a small notebook to fit into your pocket. It might not be the ideal notebook we like to carry around but it will get the job done when you need to jot down an idea.

Second, dedicate time throughout your day to write. Do you like to write in the morning before everyone gets up? Then wake yourself up thirty minutes early to get it done. (It's a scarifice you have to make for your passion of writing) What about at night once everyone has fallen asleep? Stay up an extra thirty-minutes to an hour to work on a book or write a few poems. You can use your lunch break and your weekends. To be a writer does not require someone to stop their life and just write because what happens when you get writers block?

Third, no matter what you have going on in your life, you LOVE to write, so you will make the time. Get your priorities out the way. Plan ahead and dedicate time for your work. Make sure everyone in the house knows how important this is to you. Take yourself away from all the noise and distractions and write. You may not be able to get as much done as someone who may not work and sits at home because you have a job and your time is cut in half but you can always find the time to do what you love.

Think about your daily schedule and think about when exactly you can spend some time writing.

All of us have something we love. Fishing, hiking, reading, cooking, crafting, shopping, vacationing. And many of us work while having all of these hobbies but we find the time to do it because we love it. Don't get frustrated about your schedule. Simply find when in your busy day you can do what you love.

Signing Off,

Dominique Watson

Get ready for From A Writers POV Twenty Issues Special for our June 2009 Edition!