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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Getting your book in book stores: Guest Speaker Angelisa Hawes

Today we have a guest speaker. I'm excited about this speaker because we are talking to this person about something we have never discussed on The POV Lounge.

Today we are speaking with Angelisa Hawes. She is a bookstore owner and she will be telling us how to get our books into stores and how to get book signings. Read her interview below.

Dominique Watson (DW): As the owner of a bookstore, what books do you see being sold the most in your store? What genre?

Angelisa Hawes (AW): In my store I sell alot of best sellers-fiction mostly. Books found on the NYT best seller list, Washington Post best seller list, Essence's list, books promoted or talked about on television shows/radio shows, children's books w /African- American characters, and classic children's books like Good Night Moon.

DW: What do you believe is the key for an author to get their book into a store?

AW: I believe that the author or PR person has to promote the book well.
Approaching bookstore owners or staff whether it be an independent bookstore or a big chain store talk to them about carrying your book and possibly doing a signing. Some stores will buy a few copies, some stores will do a commision sales- where you sign a contract w/ the store for the store to carry a few copies and once the book (s) sells then you receive a check or a call to come and pick up your check. Try to get book wholesalers like Ingram and Baker and Taylor to carry your book. These wholesalers allow booksalers to order the book free freight (w/ a minimum), give a discount, and most of the time return books that haven't sold.
Have a great book, great cover, and great promotional material.

DW: What do you believe is the key for an author to get a book signing?

AW: Authors need to have their "elevator speech" down to a science. Bookstore owners are bombarded via email, mail, and walk -ins by authors asking for a store to carry their book and to have a signing. Ask bookstore owners in you communities. Also, talk to bookgroups in your area about reading your book-you won't believe what type of following you can develop by getting bookgroups behind your book.

Talk about your book w/ confidence, have a copy of your book to give to the bookstore owner so that the owner can read it and see if this is a book that would work in their store, have promotional materials such as bookmarks, postcards, etc so that the bookstore owner can pass it out to customers.

DW: What mistakes do you feel authors make when it comes to marketing and PR?

AW: believe that some authors get so excited when there books are published that they either buy a bunch of copies and give them away to friends and family-YOU WANT PEOPLE TO BUY YOUR BOOK!!Instead of taking those copies and giving them away to friends and family ask an independent bookstore can they put their book in their store on a commision bases, or asking a library to put it in their local author section (be sure to ask that if you give a copy of your book to the library -that they don't put it in a booksale/Friend's sale-some libraries won't add a book in to their collection unless it was bought from a wholesaler ex:Baker and Taylor, Ingram. Don't be afraid to approach the big chainstores also-all they can say is no! Look for free advertising-use social networking like Facebook, Twitter,blogging, etc.

DW: Is it important to hire someone with the expertise?

AW: If you have the money I would but I know of a lot of authors who made it w/ out-they were their own advocate!

DW: What if the author doesn't have the finances to afford a PR, what now?

AW: If an author doesn't have the finances to afford PR then I suggest you spend money w/ a great priniting/design company that can make great promotional materials-business cards, postcard fliers, bookmarks, stationery, magnets etc. Also, take a good picture of yourself to use in promotional materials-some stores put pictures online of local authors-you can also put a small picture of yourself inside of the cover. Try to attend book conferences like Book Expo, regional book sales/conferences to do networking or to sale books. (Ex: Harlem Book Fai, Capital Book Fest, Baltimore book Fest) find writer's guilds-work w/ other writer's authors. Be your own PR rep-whether selling books out of the trunk of your car or telling someone about your book while you wait in the grocery store check-out line - Teri Woods has a clip online where she talks about standing on the street hustling her books to people walking by and how it worked for her.

Come up w/ creative ways to get your book out there. For example, If I was an author I would approach a local B and B (Bed and Breakfast) and ask them if I could put a copy of my book in their library -so while guest are relaxing in their rooms or in the parlor they can read your book. (Of course you are giving a copy to the
B and B owner-and it's costs them nothing). Offer to do talks on how you got published to other aspiring writers who are thinking about writing a book.
If you are self-published still contact literary scouts, publishers, etc so that you can possibly get picked up by a big publishing company. While visting/ vacationing visit bookstores to promote your book. You can contact stores before you visit about doing a signing or about making an appointment to talk to the bookstore owner about carrying your book.

Last, the book business is a tough business-keep your head up and keep believing!

Thanks for allowing me to share my knowledge!!
Book Nook Bookstore-Arts District Hyattsville

DW: Thank you so much for doing the interview! I'm sure your info and advice is very helpful!

I think it's very helpful for authors to know exactly what to do to get their books in stores. Any advice to help with your writing career. We have so many resources around us, let's use them to our advantage!

Before we end today's blog...

Be a Guest Speaker on The POV Lounge. Do you have some tips and advice on writing, marketing, editing, publishing, etc. We want to hear your advice and tips.

Signing Off,
Dominique Watson