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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You've finished your manuscript, now what?

Now that you've finished writing the book, now what? Where do you go from here? At this point you need to figure out what you want to do with your book. Do you want to stop right there for a while? Take a break and then go searching? That question needs to be answered first. Once you've decided that you are ready to explore the publishing world, take some time to browse around and see what's out there.

Some writers like to simply see their work published in a magazine, no hassle, no money. Many find pleasure in that. Other's like to see their book in print and go searching for publishing companies.

I am currently teaching an online class called "Determining your Publication Path" In this 4 week class we are discussing this very thing. Which direction is best for you. The only person to truly know the answer to that question is you. What are you prepared to do and what do you expect?

At this point, you need to make a list of all the things that are required to have your book published. Print on Demand, Traditional Publishing, publishing in a magazine, posting to a blog, website. The resources are endless but you have to decide what you want.

If this book or writing is going to be published in book form, you need to have a list of what your publishing company needs to offer that way you can narrow down your choices.

The biggest tip I can give you in searching for publication is to take your time. No matter how long you take, the companies will still be there, their prices and guidelines will still be the same.

So good luck and happy hunting!

Before we end today's blog...

Be a Guest Speaker on The POV Lounge. Do you have some tips and advice on writing, marketing, editing, publishing, etc. We want to hear your advice and tips.

Signing off,

Dominique Watson