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Friday, June 12, 2009

How to deal with Writers Block

Have you come to a point in your novel where you have no more? You simply can not figure out how to continue the story. If this is you, first put the book down, leave the computer, put the pen or pencil down. Walk away and refresh your mind. Come back to it in a few hours, a day, a week or a month. But just leave it alone. Take your mind completely away from it and I promise you, if the story is promising a new idea will come to you.

Another suggestion that I mention A LOT is create an outline. This helps for Writers Block or times when you have to leave the book for some reason and you need to come back to it later. When you do this, this will help remind you where you left off so you can pick up right there. Outlines should be done before you start writing the book.

Writers Block is so natural. But's also the one thing we as writers HATE! It seems like we can't seem to shake the feeling of being lost from our writing. Or a feeling like we will never write again. Sometimes your brain just needs a break. That's all. So take the break and get back to your writing later. Sitting at the computer screen will not help. Just get up and walk away.

Before we end today's blog...

Do you have a writers question? Looking for advice and tips on a writing subject you have not seen here yet? Contact me and I'll answer it here for you!

Signing off,
Dominique Watson