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Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Second Book: Learn from your mistakes.

Have you finished your second book? I mean is the manuscript finished? Are you ready to publish? First think back because you've been here before with your first book. Let's look back and see what mistakes we made the first time around so we can fix them this time.

Publishing a book is always fun. Once you can put the last period on your manuscript you think the hard part is over. That's far from being correct. Publishing the book is just as hard as writing it.

First ask yourself, did you take your time with the first book?

Second ask yourself did you pick the right publisher? Did they give you all that you were asking for?

Next ask yourself if you spent enough money or too much money?

Another thing to consider is if this book is the same as the last one. Ask yourself if you need to take a different angle with this book.

Once you've went through the birth of a child, the second time around you see where you could have saved money and time. Consider the same thing when publishing your second book. You made a lot of mistakes the first time around. So let's perfect those mistakes and make this one better. Mistakes help us learn and grow in any situation. Don't be upset at yourself for the mistakes you made. Simply realize them and learn from them. Then simply move on and continue with the production!

Before we end today's blog...

Do you have a writers question? Looking for advice and tips on a writing subject you have not seen here yet? Contact me and I'll answer it here for you!

Signing Off,
Dominique Watson