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Friday, July 31, 2009

The Publisher's Choice: "Keeping Misery Company"

I just finished reading "Keeping Misery Company" by Michelle Larks. I've started the Publisher's Choice to help some of our felloow authors get their books noticed by others. Each month I read a different book and leave my thoughts on it as well as encourage others to buy and read the book. Here are my thoughts on "Keeping Misery Company" :

"I finished reading "Keeping Misery Company" a few days ago. From the start, I knew this book would be a good wholesome Christian family book. The main character, Ruth, shows so much dedication to her family, her faith and the reality that is around her. She faces many trials and tribulations but never gives in. Her husband Daniel creates his own issues when getting involved with a mistress. His actions ignore his family and the loved ones who care for him. Ruth is the center of the forgiveness that comes from her parents with an unexpected guest. In the midst of the storm, she must also hold her family together as they all visit for the holidays. This book is definitely a page turner. The chapters are not too long and their isn't a dull moment in the book. For anyone that is looking to read a good Christian book that has the Christian religion values and morals, this book is for you.

It surrounds, forgiveness, letting go, reaping what you sow and faith. This book shows that even though some Christians portray the life of having it all together, they are humans too and the devil comes for them just as they do others."

Pick up your copy today!
Purchase this book:


Walden Books

Barnes & Noble

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Before we end today's blog...
Check out the August Choice here:

Signing Off,
Dominique Watson